Thinkery - Camp Photography and Digital Communications

Thinkery at the Meredith Learning Lab

1830 Simond Ave
Austin, Texas 78723
(512) 469-6200

Thinkery is Austin’s home for “why” and “how.” A place where science and families play side by side. Where people connect with ideas by doing, making and experiencing. It’s a foundry for a new generation of innovators and creative problem solvers. And it’s a heck of a good time. We are currently searching for candidates interested in executing their photography and digital communications skills in an informal science education setting.

Camp Photography and Digital Communication Interns

Job Description:

  • Create dynamic and versatile photography of the Thinkery’s summer programs, specifically the camp program.
  • Facilitate customer communication through photo library, email communication, and social media posts
  • Contribute ideas and develop content for blog posts & social media.
  • Assist with social media upkeep and content such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram
  • Contribute to other marketing/communications projects as assigned

Applications are due on April 21, 2023 and can be found at